It's no surprise I woke up with a 101 fever this morning. I feel torn about calling in sick at work (it's only my third week) and I'm seriously debating whether to go to class today.
Ever since the semester started, I have been running my body ragged. My immune system is shot with the lack of sleep. I have a
crazy ass schedule and I feel like there isn't enough time in the day to do anything. Even the basic necessities like brushing my teeth and eating is measured in increments. Here is my day, 5 days a week:
4:35 AM - Wake up and get ready
6:05 AM - Stand in line at the bus stop and freeze my ass off
6:29 AM - Run frantically through the BART station to catch the San Francisco Train.
6:35 to 7:35 AM - Study and do homework on the train
7:35 AM - Drag my heavy backpack up 3 large hills from the BART station to School
7:45 AM - Report for work and I am the first to arrive at the office
7:50 AM - Proceed to do various tasks assigned to me.
12:00 PM - Eat lunch at my desk and study
1:00 PM to 2:00PM - Head to the building next door where my first class is and sit in the hallway and do homework.
2:10 PM - My first math class
3:10 PM - My second math class
4:00 PM - Run across campus to the tram stop
4:20 PM - Catch the K tram to head to the gym
4:45 PM - Change into workout clothes
5:00 to 5:30 PM - Eat a light snack while studying lecture notes
5:30 PM - Yoga
6:30 PM - Zumba
7:30 PM - Change out of workout clothes
7:45 PM - Run to the tram stop to catch the train
8:05 PM- Run to catch the BART train
8:10 to 8:59 PM - Study and do homework
9:15 PM - Catch the bus
9:35 PM - Get picked up by Dad
9:50 PM - Home
10:00 PM - Prepare lunch for next day
10:20 PM - Eat dinner and watch t.v.
10:45 PM - Shower
11:00 PM - Email HopAlong and tell him I love him
11:02 PM to 12:00 AM - Study
12:00 AM - Sleep
See what I mean?