Tuesday, December 15, 2009

R.I.P...So Sad To See You Go :(

Muni Lines that have been discontinued as of 12/5/09. It feels like I've lost long time family friends...

I used to take this bus all throughout my 4 years of high school when I lived on 44th Avenue. And you were HopAlong's favorite busline! Photo by munidave on flickr

My friends and I used to take this bus when we would hang out at Streetlight Records on Haight & Masonic. Photo by munidave on flickr

Sorry I never got to know you better. We only met once. Photo by Whole Wheat Toast on Flickr

You used to take us to Stonestown when my friends and I wanted to hang out at the mall. Photo by munidave on flickr

You dropped HopAlong and I at Alamo Square Park to see the Painted Ladies, the California Academy of Sciences and the DeYoung Museum at Golden Gate Park. Photo by kodama(home) on flickr

You got me home safely after late night raves and concerts. Photo by Noelster on flickr

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not the 38 :(.
When i think of San Francisco i think of riding all the way to Ocean Beach on the 38.
You'll be missed