Sunday, September 5, 2010

Here We Go Again...

I hate this place. Craig's 6 week visit has come to an end and this is where say goodbye. No matter how many times we've replayed this scene, I can never get used to it. I tell myself it's no big deal but in reality I'm tearing up inside. Such as the story of long distance relationships.

The next time we see each other will be in 8 months. He has just started his computer course and will not be able to see me in 8 months. 8 months is the longest we've spent apart. It sucks.

On the bright side, I will be spending a lot of time in the city. I am shacking up at my aunt's house this semester. This will be really convenient for me as I don't have to commute back and forth everyday to school. This saves me a lot of time, money, and sanity. It also beats being stuck in the middle of boring surburbia where you need a car to get everywhere.

It's nice to know that I can just step outside the street and always have something to do and somewhere to go within walking distance! I miss living in the city.

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