Thursday, September 17, 2009

Celebrity Sighting!

What's going on here?

This afternoon I decided to treat myself to a nice lunch so after my exam I took the BART to the Embarcadero. While I was eating lunch al fresco, I saw a crowd of people gather at the plaza stage (see above picture). I thought nothing of it until the fat man with a black t-shirt and a red baseball cap spoke; promoting his new film and proselytizing about the evils of "Capitalism" (in the heart of SF's financial district watering hole that is the Embarcadero). Low and behold, I realized it was Micheal Moore, the infamous muckraking documentary filmmaker!

Here's me trying to bypass security to be a picture whore!

After his tirade, I went to the ferry building to pig out on mint chocolate chip gelato while enjoying the view of the bay...

I had two hours to kill until the next ferry out so I worked on my essay. I love my new netbook!...

Here's me again fondling my netbook on the ferry! Don't be "J"!...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hehe, nice spot! Good old Michael Moore, I quite like his work, behind all the bravado and in your face antics there is usually a sensible, clear cut and needing to be approached subject. Reading a lot at the moment and of all the crazy, half baked plans, the free market economy must be up there with the biggest disaster's waiting to happen.